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Powerful statistics about home values within your market

We directly source data – across markets – to deliver the most accurate residential real estate sales statistics and metrics. Our REZITRADE Home Price Indexes reflect what is actually occurring within a select geographical market – and represent the true measure of home price change.

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Monitor with Index Charts

REZITRADE’s dataset contains more than

  • 0
    Market Indexes
  • 0+
    Years Of Data Per Market
  • 0.0million
    Unique Addresses
  • 0.0million
    Transactions Captured
  • $0.0trillion
    Value of total transactions

Introducing REZITRADE Home Price Indexes

Our home price indexes measure the pulse of the housing market by tracking median price movements based on recorded home sales in specific geographical markets. These indexes serve as benchmarks for our products and a trusted measure for whether home prices are rising or declining.

  • Unbiased

    Indexes utilize a multi-factor, rules-based methodology.

  • Factual

    All data sourced from government records.

  • Consistent

    Approach is uniform across markets, establishing a comparable baseline.

  • Timely

    Indexes are updated every month.

  • Audited

    Certified by an independent index calculation agent.

How REZITRADE Home Price Indexes work

Every month, we collect data for all recorded home sale transactions within our markets. We then use this information to calculate each respective market-specific home price index.

Learn more about our index methodology

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Enter a zip code or select a market to see statistical information and metrics on that specific location.

Common questions about the index